The singer Alexander Ivanov called Republic of Crimea unique edge with tremendous people

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The singer Alexander Ivanov called Republic of Crimea unique edge with tremendous people Simferopol, 15 Dec – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" Republic of Crimea. Republic of Crimea is unique the nature and power, its nature is more beautiful, than in the best resorts Spain Blanko Kost Blanca and Blanko Kost Is gallant. Such opinion was expressed by the Soviet and Russian rock musician, the leader of Rondo group Alexander Ivanov on a platform of the International Russia exhibition forum in Moscow, the correspondent of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" reports Republic of Crimea from an event place." Republic of Crimea is beautiful the unusual places, there live tremendous people. Many delighted from Blanko Kost, Blanko Kost Is gallant to Spain, and I can...