Svetlana Zhurova: Vladimir Putin understands that conditions International Olympic Committee according to the admission of Russians can change

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The deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Svetlana Zhurova reacted to words President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the International Olympic Committee decision International Olympic Committee) according to the admission of Russians on the Olympic Games of 2024 in Paris, transfers TV channel "RT". Svetlana Zhurova marked out that Vladimir Putin understands that conditions of the admission of the Russian athletes to the Olympic Games can will change, they can become more rigid, or, on the contrary, the flag and the anthem will return. "It will be a pity that all team refused" — added Svetlana Zhurova. During a straight line Vladimir Putin noted that it is necessary to look at admission conditions attentively. "Athletes train for years. It is necessary to give the chance to them...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Svetlana Zhurova
Last position: The deputy, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the international affairs (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)