Георгий Филимонов озвучил рейтинг работы глав муниципалитетов

Отрицательный рейтинг по количеству обращений возглавили Вологда и...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «NewsVo. News of the Vologda region» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vadim Germanov
Last position: Mayor (City Administration of Cherepovets city)
Sergei Zhestyannikov
Last position: Head of the area (Representative assembly of the Vologda city municipal area)
Sergei Aleksandrovich Voropanov
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Vologda)
Tatyana Zhirokhova
Last position: Head of the district (Representative assembly of the Babushkin city municipal area)
Government oblasti
Government Agency