Sergei Aleksandrovich Voropanov Last position: Mayor (Administration of Vologda)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreResidents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? Residents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? 12/15/2023Красный СеверOn the street of 0 degrees, now temperature will constantly change. It is a signal: be accurate on the road12/18/2023Online VologdaNow to the city bring an order of 56 pieces of equipment and 128 workers. If the forecast is confirmed and snowfall will proceed, links of the combined road cars in the afternoon again come to routes. If snow is not, the following pass of equipment at nightNow to the city bring an order of 56 pieces of equipment and 128 workers. If the forecast is confirmed and snowfall will proceed, links of the combined road cars in the afternoon again come to routes. If snow is not, the following pass of equipment at night12/16/2023Online VologdaResidents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? Residents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? 12/15/2023Красный СеверOn the street of 0 degrees, now temperature will constantly change. It is a signal: be accurate on the road12/18/2023Online VologdaNow to the city bring an order of 56 pieces of equipment and 128 workers. If the forecast is confirmed and snowfall will proceed, links of the combined road cars in the afternoon again come to routes. If snow is not, the following pass of equipment at nightNow to the city bring an order of 56 pieces of equipment and 128 workers. If the forecast is confirmed and snowfall will proceed, links of the combined road cars in the afternoon again come to routes. If snow is not, the following pass of equipment at night12/16/2023Online VologdaResidents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? Residents of Vologda really people with big heart. Very many of you responded to news about a fire in the house 82 on Sovetsky Avenue: "How to help? ", "Where to bring things? ? 12/15/2023Красный Север12310Related events+4 last weekMayorAdministration of Vologda0Media ScoreMayorAdministration of Vologda44years oldBornFebruary 29, 1980VologdaRelationship status: He is married53Connections+12 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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