The singer Nargiz Zakirova VSU] will check regarding financings </"15"

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Department of General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in Ural Federal District will check the Uzbek singer, a show "Voice" star on TV channel "Pervy kanal" Nargiz Zakirova, known as Nargiz Zakirova, regarding financings Armed forces Ukraine (VSU). About it reports Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel of Mash. With such requirement in law enforcement agencies Vitaly Nikolaevich Borodin addressed chapter of FPBK. According to him, living in United States of America the actress actively discredits Russian Federation and her citizens in social networks, and also repostit feykovy news about Ukraine. Earlier Nargiz Zakirova talked to pranker Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Aleksey Stolyarov...