+1JournalistShow business personalityVladimir Kuznetsov Last position: PrankerViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: Low[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true11/29/2023360 ° Moscow areaPeople go crowds. Concerts which regions show also groups which represent regions on a big scene — it healthy. Thanks that to us gave the chance to live in the beautiful country12/8/2023360 ° Moscow areaSometimes we manage to unmask and expose sign characters of geopolitics, to show to the whole world who they are actually. It is quite difficult and delicate workSometimes we manage to unmask and expose sign characters of geopolitics, to show to the whole world who they are actually. It is quite difficult and delicate work12/7/2023360 ° Moscow area[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true11/29/2023360 ° Moscow areaPeople go crowds. Concerts which regions show also groups which represent regions on a big scene — it healthy. Thanks that to us gave the chance to live in the beautiful country12/8/2023360 ° Moscow areaSometimes we manage to unmask and expose sign characters of geopolitics, to show to the whole world who they are actually. It is quite difficult and delicate workSometimes we manage to unmask and expose sign characters of geopolitics, to show to the whole world who they are actually. It is quite difficult and delicate work12/7/2023360 ° Moscow area[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true[We decided to talk with Nargiz because] it one of those who became known thanks to Russia and earned here, but now throws at Russia mud. It was happy. Her dream came true11/29/2023360 ° Moscow area12344Related events+6 last weekMedia Score: Low38years oldBornJanuary 1, 1986Krasnodar territoryRelationship status: He is single184Connections+33 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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LawПедиатра Буянову приговорили к 5,5 года колонии за ложную информацию о ВС РФdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"11/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.1 minMoviesВедущего "Пусть говорят" Дмитрия Борисова пришлось увезти со съемок на "скорой"website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"11/11/2024PeopleMedia39 secOtherКакой сегодня праздник: 11 ноября11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia4.5 minCentral Federal DistrictЗащита от НАТО. Учителей в России убедили надеть шапочки из фольги360 ° Moscow area11/10/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts42 secSocial policyПранкер из Беларуси заставил российских учителей надеть шапочки из фольги для защиты от НАТО. ФотоRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"11/9/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesMediaProducts44 secPoliticsПомпео назвал военную помощь США Украине слишком запоздалой и слишком маленькойRT in Russian11/8/2024PeopleGeographyMedia29 sec
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today12International Space StationRating: 8246Mention frequency8246ConnectionsPlaces269Organizations239People149Events103Technologies39Laws1
Internet«КП»: российские пранкеры Вован и Лексус стали гостями телешоу «Пусть Говорят»11/8/2024PeopleMedia36 secOtherПобеды на передовой, в науке и спорте: на Урале стартовал просветительский марафон Знание.Первые Российского общества «Знание»11/7/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts3.4 minSocial policyЮгорскую площадку VIII марафона «Знание. Первые» лекторы назвали лучшей в стране11/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts3.5 minSocial policyВован и Лексус опровергли использование дипфейков и ИИ в своих видео5 channel11/4/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesProducts32 secUral Federal DistrictЮГРА принимает федеральный просветительский марафон Знание.Первые11/4/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts3.6 minEducationПранкеры Вован и Лексус познакомились с бытом ханты и манси11/4/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts42 sec