In SIZO-1 GUFSIN Russian Federation on Nizhny Novgorod Region there passed Day the legal aids

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On November 23 within Day the legal aids SIZO-1 GUFSIN Russian Federation on Nizhny Novgorod Region the delegation as a part of the assistant chief Glavny of managements on observance of human rights in Muravyev Aleksey visited, the deputy chief Glavny of managements Head department ministry justices Russian Federation on Nizhny Novgorod region Oleg Aleksandrovich Chigrik, the general counsel of GKU BUT "The state bureau on Nizhny Novgorod Region" Shorokhova Natalia, the director of GKU BUT "The state bureau on Nizhny Novgorod Region" Fomichev Maxime, the lawyer of the Nizhny Novgorod Bar No. 3 Nemtsova Natalia, the head of department of guardianship and guardianship...