Sovetsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky districtAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky district4/10/2023Youri ShalabaevIts experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky district. Today together with the new head of the area we make a detour. Let's look how there takes place cleaning within a month4/10/2023Youri ShalabaevAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky districtAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky district4/10/2023Youri ShalabaevIts experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky district. Today together with the new head of the area we make a detour. Let's look how there takes place cleaning within a month4/10/2023Youri ShalabaevAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky districtAlexander Ivanov is 10 years the municipal employee, holding positions in the sphere of improvement, housing-and-municipal and road economy. Its experience is now very necessary to Sovetsky district4/10/2023Youri Shalabaev12149Region News+35 last week0Media Score6:56:33 PMGMT+352RUS167Connections+54 last weekPopulation148 066NewsConnections Tree
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