Court collected one and a half billion from the former mayor Nizhny Novgorod

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It became known that the Appeal court Nizhny Novgorod Region decided to collect from the former mayor Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Sorokin, his former wife of Hellas of the Mountain and construction LLC SPETSIALIZIROVANNY ZASTROYSHCHIK "INGRADSTROY" one and a half billion rubles. Oleg Sorokin asked to consider claim in other structure of vessels as considers that this decision will negatively be reflected in work of "Ingradstroy" and its shareholders. So, Oleg Sorokin submitted the appeal and lost it. Now he asks to consider claim in other structure of vessels. In his opinion, the made decision badly will be reflected in work of Ingradstroy firm and its shareholders. Oleg Sorokin claims...