The military expert called raspiarenny "the best tankman of VSU" Gatsanyuk Maxime

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Kiev, on November 13, 2023, 16:21 — information agency "REGNUM". The Russian military personnel destroyed in Zaporizhia Oblast "the best tankman of VSU" Gatsanyuk Maxime. It became known of it on November 13. To social network Gatsanyuk Maxime "Our fellow countryman, the native of the village Gopchitsa, the inhabitant Kiev, died in the settlement of Sokolovk after wound as a result of performance of fighting tasks" — it is spoken on the page of the City Council of Pohrebysche to Vinnytsia Oblast in a social network of Facebook (zapreshchena v RF) (it is forbidden to Russian Federation, belongs to corporation of Meta Platforms, Inc, recognized in Russian Federation extremist). Gatsanyuk Maxime liquidated still on November 8, but news appeared later. At the time of death to it...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Dimitri Yarosh
Last position: The adviser to the chief of the General Staff — the Commander-in-chief of Armed forces of Ukraine
Gatsanyuk Maxime
Dandykin Vasilii
Pilshchikov Andrey
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
1 107
City council