VS Russian Federation in Zaporizhia Oblast destroyed "the best tankman of VSU" Gatsanyuk Maxime

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The Russian military destroyed the tankman of Armed forces Ukraine (VSU) Gatsanyuk Maxime, Rada of Pohrebysche reported Vinnytsia Oblast in Facebook (zapreshchena v RF) (companies Meta Platforms, Inc belong which is recognized extremist and it is forbidden to Russian Federation). It got a mortal wound in Zaporizhia Oblast on November 8. As notes Telegram "the First Kharkov", the military was liquidated in Sokolovk's village, he was 39 years old...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Eugenie Balitsky
Last position: Acting as Governor of the Zaporizhia region
Gatsanyuk Maxime