Eugenie Balitsky Last position: Acting as Governor of the Zaporizhia regionViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAttacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, VasilyevkiAttacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, Vasilyevki12/12/2023RosbaltAt once upon termination of a straight line with the president I organize meeting of the government of the Zaporozhye area, all humanitarian block where we will work offers on an order of the president12/14/2023RIA Novosti news agencyAt the moment its place was taken by the mobilized. In addition, and other divisions of the opponent sustain big lossesAt the moment its place was taken by the mobilized. In addition, and other divisions of the opponent sustain big losses12/12/2023periodical e-edition ""Attacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, VasilyevkiAttacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, Vasilyevki12/12/2023RosbaltAt once upon termination of a straight line with the president I organize meeting of the government of the Zaporozhye area, all humanitarian block where we will work offers on an order of the president12/14/2023RIA Novosti news agencyAt the moment its place was taken by the mobilized. In addition, and other divisions of the opponent sustain big lossesAt the moment its place was taken by the mobilized. In addition, and other divisions of the opponent sustain big losses12/12/2023periodical e-edition ""Attacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, VasilyevkiAttacks of our settlements which are near the line of fighting contact do not stop: Bed curtains, Tokmaka, Vasilyevki12/12/2023Rosbalt123427Related events+74 last weekActing as Governor of the Zaporizhia regionno data0Media ScoreActing as Governor of the Zaporizhia regionno data54years oldBornDecember 10, 1969MelitopolRelationship status: He is married429Connections+189 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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