Azerbaijan was in full rigging

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Azerbaijan was in full rigging Baku and Yerevan differently celebrated the third anniversary of the end of 44-day war In Stepanakert (former Stepanakert) passed on November 8 military parade on the occasion of a victory Azerbaijan in the second Karabakh war. Parade in the city ghost left by the Armenian population, was conceived as line leading under 30 years' fight Azerbaijan for return of the territory which to Baku considered illegally sawn-off. To Armenia where inhabitants of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) which has stopped the existence moved, other moods reign absolutely. After defeat in war...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Ilkham Aliev
Last position: President of the Azerbaijan Republic (President of Azerbaijan Republic)
Annalena Charlotte Alma Berbok
Last position: Minister (Federal ministerstvo inostrannykh del Federativnoy Respubliki Germaniya)