The assistant to the British minister dismissed for an appeal to ceasefire in Gaza

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The British conservative deputy Bristou Paul was dismissed by Richard Townshend/WikiCommons (the CC BY 3.0) from a position of the Assistant Secretary after urged the prime minister to support publicly "the continuous termination of operations" in Israel and the Gaza Strip, writes newspaper "The Financial Times" (FT). Last week Bristou Paul directed Rishi Sunak the two-page letter in which declared that "innocent Palestinians should not be collective punished for crimes of Hamas". "We need ceasefire" — is spoken in the address of the politician to the prime minister. The text of the letter itself laid out Bristou Paul...
Риши Сунак
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Great Britain)
Bristou Paul
Makdonald Andy
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.