Wales Capital: CardiffViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal resultA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal result3/24/2023Сергей Дмитриевич ШавлоI understood at once that Slutsky – the charlatan. the 30th second – the right defender ran everything after, shoots, and the left defender from meter to us did not hammer. Here two options: or it does not prepare in general for matches, or Wales, having seen us, ran4/21/2023Artyom DzyubaA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal resultA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal result3/24/2023Сергей Дмитриевич ШавлоI understood at once that Slutsky – the charlatan. the 30th second – the right defender ran everything after, shoots, and the left defender from meter to us did not hammer. Here two options: or it does not prepare in general for matches, or Wales, having seen us, ran4/21/2023Artyom DzyubaA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal resultA draw — satisfactory result. We say that Iran — the rival of level of the World Cup, but this team on the FIFA World Cup especially did not achieve anything. Beat Wales, but Iran — this is the middling person. 1:1 on departure — normal result3/24/2023Сергей Дмитриевич Шавло12305Region News+62 last weekThe member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed since 1997Theresa May0Media Score250Rank positionThe member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed since 1997Theresa May£Pound sterling44Dialing code670Connections+225 last weekPopulation3 063 456NewsConnections Tree
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