The schoolgirl Eteri Tutberidze for the first time since 2018 lost a medal of adult starts

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The trainer's staff Eteri Tutberidze for the first time since 2018 appeared without medals at adult competitions in female single driving. About it reports sports online portal "". On October 29 Maia Khromykh who is engaged in group at Eteri Tutberidze, did not manage to win a medal of the third stage of the Grand Prix Russian Federation in Krasnoyarsk and became only the fifth, having gained in total amount 193,22 points. It did not execute elements ultra-si. Five years ago on Skate Canada — 2018 (one of the international stages of the Grand Prix) Elizabeth Tursynbaeva and Darya Panenkova, being engaged at Eteri Tutberidze, became the fifth and the ninth respectively. From those sportswoman...
Eteri Tutberidze
Last position: Figure skating coach
Elizabeth Tursynbaeva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Darya Panenkova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Tatyana Tarasova
Main activity:Show business personality
Maia Khromykh
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating (STATE-FINANCED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "TSSIO "SAMBO-70" MOSKOMSPORTA)