Modern art: Star family again on the verge of scandalous divorce: Of what the figure skater accuses Marina Anisina the actor Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda

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From the very beginning of the relations of the well-known figure skater Marina Anisina and the odious showman and the actor Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda, between them boil truly the Mexican passions. Couple endured any more one crisis and even divorce. After which, however, in 5 years they again got married. Then to all Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda against reception of the forbidden substances was fault. Now in a family of the Olympic champion and the showman it happened such, what even worldly-wise figures of show business literally this word stand on ears some days... In more detail...
Anastasia Volochkova
Last position: Ballet dancer, dancer
Marina Anisina
Main activity:Show business personality
Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda
Last position: Actor, film director, singer
Elman Pashaev
Last position: CEO (LLC "MYUK "ELMAN GROUP")
Gvendal Peyzera
Last position: The sportscaster on Eurosport TV channel