Anastasia Volochkova Last position: Ballet dancer, dancerViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolicalNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolical12/13/2023RuNews24I do not know that you have to have on a New Year's table, and on mine the same, as every day: lettuce leaves and two boiled soft-boiled eggs12/18/2023Round TVAlla Borisovna Pugacheva is pleasant to me as to the only ballerina, granted the right to sing her song which is called "To me that you are sick not with me" on music Michaela TariverdievaAlla Borisovna Pugacheva is pleasant to me as to the only ballerina, granted the right to sing her song which is called "To me that you are sick not with me" on music Michaela Tariverdieva12/13/2023ОСНNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolicalNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolical12/13/2023RuNews24I do not know that you have to have on a New Year's table, and on mine the same, as every day: lettuce leaves and two boiled soft-boiled eggs12/18/2023Round TVAlla Borisovna Pugacheva is pleasant to me as to the only ballerina, granted the right to sing her song which is called "To me that you are sick not with me" on music Michaela TariverdievaAlla Borisovna Pugacheva is pleasant to me as to the only ballerina, granted the right to sing her song which is called "To me that you are sick not with me" on music Michaela Tariverdieva12/13/2023ОСНNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolicalNow we are women free, but is sure that everything will change soon. Therefore the bouquet which it brought, is with an ulterior motive so similar to the wedding. It is symbolical12/13/2023RuNews24123122Related events+71 last week0Media Score48years oldBornJanuary 20, 1976Saint PetersburgRelationship status: She is not married249Connections+138 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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