Anastasia Zinina the stage of the Grand Prix will pass Russian Federation because of an exacerbation of an old trauma

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Ufa, 12 Oct - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Panina Anastasiya. The figure skater Anastasia Zinina will pass the first stage of the Grand Prix Russian Federation because of a problem with the nerve, the caused old injury of a foot, the trainer of the sportswoman Julia Lavrenchuk reported Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". A series of the Grand Prix starts on October 14 in Ufa. Anastasia Zinina was traumatized on the Cup of TV channel "Pervy kanal" last season. ""It has an exacerbation of a last year's trauma. More precisely, it at all a trauma, and a problem with a nerve. It already came to ice and started riding slowly so, I hope, comes for starts soon", - told Julia Lavrenchuk. In female single driving in Ufa will act including...