About the program activity Komi Fits scientific center in the Arctic zone

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To Komi Fits scientific center the Integrated academic council took place. The leading researcher Institutes chemistry of FITS KOMI REPUBLIC NTS URO RAN the Doctor of Chemistry I. V. Piyr gave the scientific report "Design of functional materials on the basis of the replaced niobate and bismuth titanates with structure like pirokhlor". Then scientists accepted the program activity Komi Fits scientific center in the Arctic zone till 2035. Dense work on the document began with arrival to a position of the director Komi Fits scientific center Degteva S. V.. The program includes the main directions of researches of separate divisions and scientific...
Victor Nikolaevich Rudenko
Last position: Chairman of office (UrO RAN)
Vladimir Uyba
Last position: Head (Government of the Komi Republic)
Komi Fits
Degteva S. V.
Main activity:Science and education