+1OfficialPoliticianVladimir Uyba Last position: Head (Government of the Komi Republic)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of KomiThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of Komi12/12/2023FederalpressWe study a question of implementation of the pilot project on resettlement of pensioners from the region of the Far North to our southern regions of the Komi Republic12/16/2023StarFirst, it is other way of life, another is perfect quality of life, and the second – safety. Two days ago at us the next house burned down, two persons were lost. And so at us, unfortunately, by a year we burn, private houses especiallyFirst, it is other way of life, another is perfect quality of life, and the second – safety. Two days ago at us the next house burned down, two persons were lost. And so at us, unfortunately, by a year we burn, private houses especially12/15/2023FederalpressThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of KomiThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of Komi12/12/2023FederalpressWe study a question of implementation of the pilot project on resettlement of pensioners from the region of the Far North to our southern regions of the Komi Republic12/16/2023StarFirst, it is other way of life, another is perfect quality of life, and the second – safety. Two days ago at us the next house burned down, two persons were lost. And so at us, unfortunately, by a year we burn, private houses especiallyFirst, it is other way of life, another is perfect quality of life, and the second – safety. Two days ago at us the next house burned down, two persons were lost. And so at us, unfortunately, by a year we burn, private houses especially12/15/2023FederalpressThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of KomiThus if the first child is born at the woman aged till 24 years, the RSK size will make 500 thousand rubles. The relevant bill will be considered at December meeting of the State Council of Komi12/12/2023Federalpress123235Related events+47 last weekHeadGovernment of the Komi Republic0Media ScoreHeadGovernment of the Komi Republic66years oldBornOctober 4, 1958OmskRelationship status: He is married306Connections+40 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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