Poland considered as "tourists" of people on the yacht "connected" with explosion of Nord Stream

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The Andromeda yacht, which participation in explosions "Severny potok" allow a year ago some western mass media, transported tourists, Warsaw declared. Moscow considers involved in diversion of "Anglo-Saxons" Leakage of gas after blasting Nord Stream (the Photo: The Swedish Coast Guard/XinHua/Global look Press) the Polish party excludes that the Andromeda yacht could transport explosive substances for blasting gas pipelines Severny potok, the representative of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland on safety information space Stanislas Zharin declared in interview to ARD TV channel, transfers Nemetskaya yezhenedelnaya gazeta Die Zeit. This newspaper...
Stanislas Zharin
Last position: Press secretary of the minister-coordinator of intelligence agencies (Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland)
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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