The fifth is started in work torgovo - the logistic center in Yakut Arctic

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At East economic forum opening of the trade and logistic center in Srednekolymsk took place. The object became the fifth TLTs started to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia" reported about it in the press service Regionalnoye government. Object start in Srednekolymsk gave start to development to the Kolyma network of the trade and logistic centers in the Arctic zone of the country. In the territory Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is planned to include TLTs in a network in Srednekolymsk, Czersk and Zyryanke which are on the Kolyma River. TLTs work today in Abyysky, Ust-Yansky, Anabarsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Srednekolymsk areas. In the fall of it...
Aysen Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Glava of the Sakha Republic)
Mikhail Nikiforov
Last position: Acting as vice-chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)
Sorokin Andrey
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency