Verkhnekolymsky ulus Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yetAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yet5/30/2018Aysen NikolaevWe this year already began [construction] - [it] the Verkhnekolymsky area. It is most prepared: there is a production of building materials. Construction companies were declared, we supported them12/20/2019Aysen NikolaevAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yetAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yet5/30/2018Aysen NikolaevWe this year already began [construction] - [it] the Verkhnekolymsky area. It is most prepared: there is a production of building materials. Construction companies were declared, we supported them12/20/2019Aysen NikolaevAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yetAlready estimated damage — 1,19 billion rubles. The damage on settlements of Kobyaysky, Serdnekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky uluses is not counted yet5/30/2018Aysen Nikolaev1226Region News+8 last weekMedia Score: Low7:23:03 AMGMT+1114RUS+7 41155Dialing code106Connections+56 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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