What today holiday: On September 10

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What today holiday: On September 10 Simferopol, 10 Sep – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" Republic of Crimea. This day the World day of prevention of suicides is celebrated. On September 10 are open the first in Russian Federation theater and uniqueness of DNA, Messing Volf ", the king of fashion" Lagerfeld Carl and the main Russian punk Igor Fedorovich Letov were born the hypnotist. That celebrate in the world To Russian Federation on the second Sunday of September otmechayutden the tankman. By the way, tanks with throwing explosions call "females" and use only against infantry. "Males" are equipped with one artillery installation and two artillery pieces. On September 10 otmechayutvsemirny day...
Eugenie Biyatov
Last position: Press photographer (MIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA")
Larissa Dolina
Last position: Manager of chair of variety and jazz singing (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Gay Stewart Richi
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer
Alec Dzheffris
Last position: Professor (University Leicester)