The first deputy and deputy prosecutors Yaroslavl Region participated in the festive events devoted to Knowledge Day

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The first deputy and deputy prosecutors Yaroslavl Region participated in the festive events devoted to Knowledge Day. So, the first deputy prosecutor of the region Dmitry Chumak visited solemn meeting of students of law department FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YAROSLAVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER P. G. DEMIDOVA", YAROSLAVL STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER P. G. DEMIDOVA, YAROSLAVL STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER P. G. DEMIDOVA, YARGU NAMED AFTER P. G. DEMIDOVA, YARGU. Dmitry Chumak congratulated children on the beginning of student's life and noted that knowledge is a basis of developments and successful career, and educated, patriotic people are a value for our country. Deputy prosecutors of the region Pozdnyakov Vladimir and Kukin Aleksey ...