Tutayev district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be defineToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be define2/22/2022Artem MolchanovAnd all warn that if something like that will occur, and it is clear that occurred not the first time already, in the Tutayevsky area, and so, if the such occurs, will not seem] a littl12/28/2022Mikhail YevraevToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be defineToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be define2/22/2022Artem MolchanovAnd all warn that if something like that will occur, and it is clear that occurred not the first time already, in the Tutayevsky area, and so, if the such occurs, will not seem] a littl12/28/2022Mikhail YevraevToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be defineToday flooding zones in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl are established. In the 3rd quarter such territories in the Yaroslavl and Tutayevsky areas] will be define2/22/2022Artem Molchanov1250Region News+18 last week0Media Score95years oldDate of establishmentJune 10, 19295:32:41 PMGMT+376RUS+748533Dialing code80Connections+50 last weekPopulation56 112NewsConnections Tree
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