To Mari El Republic Day of a vegetable field] took plac

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On August 18, for the 15th time in Gornomariysky district the Interregional scientific and practical seminar on development questions domestic selection of potatoes and vegetables of an open ground "Day of a vegetable field-2023" took place, reports Svetich news agency with reference to Ministry Selskoye economy and food Mari El Republic. Action took place on the basis of a farm Ilyin Sergei . Heads and specialists of the federal, republican organizations of the agricultural enterprises and country (farmer) farms of Mari El Republic and the neighboring regions, and also suppliers...
Andrey Kondratenko
Last position: Acting as minister (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Mari El Republic)
Roman Nekrasov
Last position: Director of the department of crop production, mechanization, chemicalixation and protection of plants (Ministry for agriculture of the Russian Federation)
Ilyin Sergei
Smirnova Ludmila
Sankeev Stanislas