Kursk veterans of soccer played matches with teams from Mariupol and Donetsk

@MK.RU Chernozem'e
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On Donets Basin passed sporting events - the Friendship-2023 Cup. Veterans of soccer participated in it. The team from Kursk was represented by many known players who played for Kursk "Vanguard": Safarov, Sinyaev, Dmitry Ivanovich Izvekov, Goldfinches and others. Matches passed in Mariupol in the field of new sport center. Kursk football players held two meetings. One of them, from the national team Donetsk, ended defeat with the score 0:1. The second game was productive for our team. Residents of Kursk beat rivals from Mariupol with the score 3:1. "It is our second trip this year to Mariupol. We saw that the city...