Video of invasion of a locust to Republic of Dagestan from outside Republic of Kalmykia appeared in the Network

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Makhachkala, on August 5 - AIF-Dagestan. Users Internet shared frames of invasion of a locust to Republic of Dagestan. Video is published in Telegram "Atypical Makhachkala". "A locust already in Big Areshevka. Fly from Republic of Kalmykia to Kizlyar", - the author of a post makes comments. Big Areshevka is approximately in 30 kilometers from administrative border with Republic of Kalmykia. Earlier Government of the Republic of Dagestan reported that in the republic from a locust processed more than 16 thousand hectares of agricultural grounds, generally in northern areas. "To bigger risk of influence of wreckers are subject first of all Kizlyar...