Kizlyar district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were losIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were los6/21/2023Sergei MelikovKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of al8/6/2023Abdulpatakh AmirkhanovKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of alKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of al8/5/2023Abdulpatakh AmirkhanovIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were losIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were los6/21/2023Sergei MelikovKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of al8/6/2023Abdulpatakh AmirkhanovKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of alKizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogai and Babayurtovsky areas] are subject to bigger risk of influence of wreckers first of al8/5/2023Abdulpatakh AmirkhanovIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were losIn the Kizlyar area there was an awful accident to participation of the automobile car, the heavy truck and the passenger bus. According to preliminary data, eight people, including two children] were los6/21/2023Sergei Melikov12341Region News+14 last weekHead since 2015Alexander Maksimovich Pogorelov0Media ScoreHead since 2015Alexander Maksimovich Pogorelov12:34:02 PMGMT+35RUS+787239Dialing code80Connections+30 last weekPopulation74 607NewsConnections Tree
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