Minsk declared reduction of a share Belarus in the market a hlorkaliya in Africa to 3%

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Moscow. August 4. information agency "Interfaks" - Deliveries Belarusian a hlorkaliya to Africa are paralyzed because of actions Lithuania, and the republic share in the African market of potash fertilizers in 2022 fell from 42% to 3%, the constant representative declared Belarus at United Nations Valentine Borisovich Rybakov. His words are provided by Belarusian cable agency "Belta" ". The share Belarus in the markets of potash fertilizers Africa was reduced in 2022 from 42% to 3%. By our estimates on the basis of data Food and agricultural organization United nations, Belarus from the list of suppliers of potassium last year led almost total disappearance to grain yield falling in Africa for 16%", - told Valentine Borisovich Rybakov on open debate...