Dimitri Pirog: "Despite all political pressure, many foreign athletes are eager to compete with Russians"

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The deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Dimitri Pirog commented on newspaper "Sport-express" news that the Ukrainian epee fencer Reyzlin Igor acted from a duel against the Russian Vadim Anokhin. "It in any way will not prevent the Russian athletes, Ukrainians do by similar actions worse only to themselves — told Dimitri Pirog to newspaper "Sport-express". — It is possible to remember how in April of this year to the Ukrainian athletes their government in principle forbade to participate in one competitions to Russians, but thought again later and changed the formulation on muffled "not to send official delegations... ". Also Dimitri Pirog noted that athletes from other countries against...
Dimitri Pirog
Last position: Member of the committee (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sport )
Vadim Anokhin
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing (PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION "MGFSO" MOSKOMSPORTA)
Maxime Khayntser
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing on swords