To Alexander Juline 60 years. We remember the brightest pupils of the Russian trainer

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On July 20 the double prize-winner of the Olympic Games and the trainer in ice dance Alexander Juline celebrates the 60 anniversary. In honor of anniversary of the expert we will remember his most talented pupils. The first pupils Alexander Juline became future Olympic champions Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov. Surprisingly, but initially Alexander Juline itself tried to ride in a duet with Tatyana Navka, however because of the high growth of the partner refused this idea. The first success came to couple in 2003. They won the championship Russian Federation and took bronze in the championship Europe. The main thing and finishing tournament for Tatyana Navka and Kostomarva became the Olympic Games in...
Tatyana Navka
Last position: The producer, the director of musicals on ice
Roman Kostomarov
Main activity:Athlete
Nikita Katsalapov
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Alexander Juline
Last position: Figure skating coach
Victoria Sinitsina
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
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