Alexander Juline Last position: Figure skating coachViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellowsYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellows11/29/2023LegalbetIt is pleasant that the Russian school is presented at the international competitions. It shows that our school powerful and without us. I watched the final of dances. It is clear that all are recognizable. But without us it is dullish. Sasha Stepanova with Vanya Bukin would not spoil a picture12/9/2023Sport ExpressYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellowsYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellows11/29/2023LegalbetIt is pleasant that the Russian school is presented at the international competitions. It shows that our school powerful and without us. I watched the final of dances. It is clear that all are recognizable. But without us it is dullish. Sasha Stepanova with Vanya Bukin would not spoil a picture12/9/2023Sport ExpressYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellowsYes at us everything is normal, good couples suffice. And so this duet will have a chance though gdeto to speak — at the European championships, the world. Especially as Annabel has the French nationality. Fine, good fellows11/29/2023Legalbet1254Related events+12 last weekMedia Score: Low61years oldBornJuly 20, 1963KorolyovMarried toNatalia Zhulina164Connections+58 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Track and field athleticsС 31 октября по 2 ноября в Краснодарском крае проходили Всероссийские соревнования «На призы олимпийского чемпиона Ф.А. Климова»11/20/2024PeopleGeography16 secFigure skatingПетербургский фигурист Евгений Семененко стал победителем московского этапа Гран-При России, а в танцах на льду всех опередили Александра Степанова и...PETERSBURGER11/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography48 secFigure skatingАлександра Степанова - Иван Букин завоевали золото на Ростелеком Гран-при России "Золотой конек Москвы", Ирина Хавронина - Девид Нарижный стали облада...11/17/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts2.1 minFigure skatingАтака на титанов: Фёдоров бросил вызов Семененко и Кондратюку на этапе Гран-при России в МосквеRT in Russian11/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography5.3 minFigure skatingЧемпионат России 2023 - танцевальная пара Елизавета Шанаева и Павел Дрозд, заняла второе место11/16/2024PeopleGeography12 secFigure skatingАлександра Степанова - Иван Букин выиграли ритм-танец на Гран-при России "Золотой конек Москвы", Ирина Хавронина - Девид Нарижный - вторые, Варвара Жд...11/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts2.2 min