The government created 10 conditions for an exit of foreigners from businesses to Russian Federation

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Soderzhaniyepryamy foreign investments in the world 2023: The government created 10 conditions for an exit of foreigners from businesses to Russian Federation 2022 Growth of investments the countries Central Asia by 4 times to more than $4 billion Growth of volume of the saved-up direct investments from China for 75% for the first half of the year 2021: Direct foreign investments in companies Russian Federation grew by 3,8 times to $30,7 billion 2020 PPI Falling by 20 times to level of 1998 - $1,4 billion Investment from Russian Federation to Cyprus for the first time in the history of steel negative Reduction of volume of direct foreign investments to $1,1 billion Sharp recession of investments from China Pure...
Vladimir Yefimov
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations (Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow)
Marina Belyakova
Last position: Tax partner of the EY company
Alexander Ivlev
Last position: The marketing director and to external relations of representation in the Russian Federation (EY)
Alexander Prokhorov
Main activity:Official
Alexei Kudrin
Last position: Adviser for corporate development (Yandex LLC)