"Why Poles have to pay for it". Fife caused split of ruling elite

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The president Poland Andrzej Duda, as promised the day before, carried out on Thursday, July 13, meeting of Council national security (RBN) devoted to results of NATO summit in Vilnius. Shilov Yvan information agency "REGNUM" the President Poland Andrzej Duda On it were present members of the Polish delegation at the summit, the Foreign Minister Zbignev Vlodzimezh Rau and the minister of national defense Mariush Blashchak, and also the chief of the General Staff the general Raymund Tomash Andzheychak. Addressing journalists after meeting, Andrzej Duda noted that "questions of safety the countries are in sight of all and all concern them very seriously, so was and today...
Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshy (Joe Biden)
Last position: President of the United States of America (President of the United States)
Andrzej Duda
Last position: President of the Republic of Poland (President of Republic Poland)
Mateush Yakub Moravetsky
Main activity:Official
Zbignev Vlodzimezh Rau
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland)
Mariush Blashchak
Main activity:Politician