Mateush Yakub Moravetsky Last position: (Diet of Republic of Poland)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of othersThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of others12/11/2023SmotrimWe will disagree on reduction of powers and a circle of questions which enter jurisdiction of the Polish state. In particular, it is a question of foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and many other areas12/11/2023To Kommersantj.ROnly within the union we can resist to tsentralistsky tendencies which if they proceed, will destroy it sooner or laterOnly within the union we can resist to tsentralistsky tendencies which if they proceed, will destroy it sooner or later12/11/2023RosbaltThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of othersThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of others12/11/2023SmotrimWe will disagree on reduction of powers and a circle of questions which enter jurisdiction of the Polish state. In particular, it is a question of foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and many other areas12/11/2023To Kommersantj.ROnly within the union we can resist to tsentralistsky tendencies which if they proceed, will destroy it sooner or laterOnly within the union we can resist to tsentralistsky tendencies which if they proceed, will destroy it sooner or later12/11/2023RosbaltThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of othersThere will be no our consent to reduction of number of questions which belong to national competences, especially such as foreign policy, safety, taxes, a family law and a great number of others12/11/2023Smotrim1235Related events+3 last weekDiet of Republic of Poland0Media ScoreDiet of Republic of Poland56years oldBornJune 20, 1968WroclawRelationship status: He is married102Connections+81 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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