Accident illusion. The Kiev screenwriters prepared show for Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

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"Everything specifies that Zelensky intends to lay out "the last card" on a table before NATO summit and to undermine Zaporozhye nuclear power plant" — Leonid Slutsky wrote on July 5 in the Telegram State Duma International Affairs Committee chapter Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International affairs. The parliamentarian is sure that Kiev pursues the terrible aim — "to use nuclear act of terrorism for charge Russian Federation and to compel the collective West to be got involved directly in the Ukrainian conflict". Shilov Yvan information agency "REGNUM" NATO summit in Vilnius, we will remind, will open at the beginning of the next week. In the same day, on July 5, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)) in fact...