Told, but did not cut off

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Ben Shalom Bernanke and Blanshar Ollivier, one of the most known macroeconomists in the world, in article pre-print in the NBER series furnished the explanation for the raised inflationary background in the world following the results of a pandemic of Koronavirus. In their opinion, the main problem is the imbalance on a labor market, other problems are secondary, and long consequences of shock of 2020-2021 for economy have to be softer than that are expected representatives of the alternative points of view. On the example of further circulation of the text of work it will be possible to estimate change of the information environment in the postkovidny world. Ben Shalom Bernanke Photo: Ken Cedeno/...
Ben Shalom Bernanke
Last position: The adviser in Citadel and Pimco finance companies
Blanshar Ollivier
Gertler Mark
Kokh Christopher
Main activity:Finance
University Chicago