The Absolute top of the horrors connected with the main human phobias] is calle

@MK.RU Kostroma
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Fear of the spiders, the closed spaces, deep water and fear to fall asleep — all these fears actively are used by founders of horror films. The film channel "Real Terrible Television" together with the Science channel made the Absolute top of the horrors anyway connected with various human fears. For drawing up the Absolute top selections and ratings of the following portals and services were used: IMDb, "Kinopoisk", women's online magazine "Cosmopolitan", Vogue, edition about events from the world of cinema "The Hollywood Reporter", Kinoscan,,,, As a result top-10 the horrors mentioning these or those phobias, looks so...
Frank Uilton Marshall
Last position: Director, producer
Stephen Allan Spilberg
Last position: Film director, film producer, screenwriter
Elay Raphael Rot
Last position: Actor, film director, screenwriter, producer
Stephen King
Last position: Writer, screenwriter, director
Andres Musketti
Last position: Director, screenwriter