Chapter Republic of Adygea gave a number of instructions on improvement of anti-corruption work at all levels

@GTRK Adygeja
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Chapter Republic of Adygea Murat Kumpilov held meeting of the Commission on coordination of work on counteraction corruptions in RA within which questions of anti-corruption examinations regulations of public authorities of the region, and also counteraction corruptions in bodies of the local are considered...
Murat Kumpilov
Last position: Head (Head of the Republic of Adygea)
Saniet Khotko
Last position: Deputy head (Administration of the Head of the Republic of Adygea and the Cabinet of the Republic of Adygea)
Zaur Khamirzov
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal entity Koshehabl district)
Golovko Dimitri
Taranukhin Andrey