More than 20 thousand rubles were collected for "ZOO 37" by participants of the "Fate in Protection of Animals" festival

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/ More than 20 thousand rubles were collected for "ZOO 37" by participants of the "Fate in Protection of Animals" festival on June 16 and 17 to Ivanovo Region again the "Fate in Protection of Animals" festival took place. Our region receives the kind action directed on help to dumb animals, not the first time. Fans of cats and fate are familiar with this festival with 2018. It passed in Ivanov three times. For few years the pandemic and kovidny restrictions interrupted tradition. At last, "The fate" returned to protection of animals and this time took place not only in Ivanov, but also in Gavrilovom Posada. Rock groups from Ivanov became participants of a festival...
Nyusha Shurochkina (Nyusha)
Last position: Singer
Nicholas Gusev
Last position: Rock musician, composer, arranger
Berezin Andrey
Orekhova Julia