The rheumatologist of the scientific and clinical center told about the reasons of pain in joints

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The rheumatologist of the Federal scientific and clinical center of Federal Medicobiological Agency Olga Muravitskaya told on May 24 because of what joints hurt. Unpleasant feelings can arise for various reasons. Among them — injuries, inflammations or a degeneration. Diseases become the reasons of pains in joints of hips, shoulders, anklebones or knees often. For example, because of osteoarthritis cartilages wear out — from million people in the world suffer. Also rheumatoid arthritis can become the reason of pain in joints. The disease meets approximately at one percent of the population. It is considered...
Olga Muravitskaya
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")