Veronika Skvortsova Last position: Head (Federal Biomedical Agency)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is createThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/14/2023FMBA of RussiaThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/17/2023RoszdravnadzorThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is createThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/15/2023NIA FederationThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is createThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/14/2023FMBA of RussiaThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/17/2023RoszdravnadzorThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is createThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/15/2023NIA FederationThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is createThe departmental program is admitted to FMBA of Russia – "A brain and neurotechnologies", the relevant problem commission works, the cluster from seven leading scientific centers which realize these researches together with our strategic partners] is create12/14/2023FMBA of Russia12354Related events+9 last weekHeadFederal Biomedical Agency0Media ScoreHeadFederal Biomedical Agency64years oldBornNovember 1, 1960MoscowRelationship status: She is married183Connections+54 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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