At sources of the Russian statehood

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On May 19 in Kaluga there began work the two-day XV International scientific and practical conference "At Sources of the Russian Statehood". This year it is devoted to the 410 anniversary of a dynasty of Romanov and the 280 anniversary of the princess Dashkova Ye. R.. Opening and plenary session of conference took place in REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION NAMED AFTER K. E. TSIOLKOVSKOGO, KALUGA STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K. E. TSIOLKOVSKOGO. Conference is held in the region since 2008 in Kaluga and in Meshchovsk – the city which is the homeland of two Russian queens – founders of a dynasty of Romanov on the female line Streshneva Yevdokiya and the first spouse of the tsar Peter I Lopukhina Yevdokiya ...