More than 700 violations are revealed when checking readiness of houses of the region by winter

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are sent to Heads of administrations and rural settlements of Kaluga region began work on identification of such objects in November. Specialists of department together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Ministries of Internal Affairs should find out as far as houses are ready to the forthcoming winter. In particular, garrets, cellars, existence of windows at entrances were checked.

As of December 20 executed almost absolute check of all premises. 702 violations are revealed, three is eliminated promptly. On all houses with violations information is sent to state housing inspectorate. The governor disposed to eliminate them completely until the end of the year. Anatoly Artamonov declared:" How it is so possible to treat these things? And as for Voskresenskaya St. Attract there investors. It is necessary to distribute all these houses that people made of them a candy. For now did not distribute — keep in a relative order". According to the head of the region, housing stocks directly depend on a state emergencies which can arise with arrival of hard frosts.

Anatoly Artamonov disposed to revise also lists of so-called best areas and winner areas in which violations with repair and improvement of houses are revealed.