Anthony John Blinken and Dmitry Ivanovich Kuleba discussed preparation Ukraine to counterattack

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The Secretary of State of United States of America Anthony John Blinken discussed by phone with chapter Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Ivanovich Kuleba preparation for counterattack of Armed forces Ukraine (VSU). About it reported in the State Department press service. In addition, Anthony John Blinken and Dmitry Ivanovich Kuleba discussed as "the contribution of the international partners can promote success (counterattack)". The Secretary of State as added in the press service, declared importance of the sovereignty Ukraine for the world and safety in Europe. Also it reminded "of the promise of the president (Joe) Biden to support Ukraine so much, how many it is required". The prime minister Denise Shmygal declared on April 15 Ukraine...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Anthony John Blinken
Last position: State secretary (State department of the United States of America)
Dmitry Ivanovich Kuleba
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)
Denise Shmygal
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Ukraine)