Stars of cinema and TV came to say goodbye in Saint Petersburg to a star of "Destructive power" Alexander Tyutryumov

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The well-known Russian actor, the honored artist Russian Federation Alexander Tyutryumov died on May 7 at the age of 64 years. Saint Petersburg said goodbye to the actor, the producer, the honored artist Russian Federation Alexander Tyutryumov. The ceremony took place in Cinema "Rodina". Alexander Tyutryumov, become famous, in particular, roles of the militia lieutenant colonel Yegorov Sergei in "Destructive power" and Morgan Konstantin in "The agent national security", died on May 7 on the 65th year of life. Family, colleagues on shop – Alexander Polovtsev, Semen Mikhaylovich Strugachev, Eugenie Ganelin, Noskov Andrey, the artist Nikas Stepanovich Safronov came to follow the actor to the grave...
Alexander Tyutryumov
Main activity:Show business personality
Eugenie Ganelin
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskoy")
Eugenie Dyatlov
Last position: Actor (Logbuk "Drama theater na Vasilyevskom")
Alexander Polovtsev
Last position: Actor, TV host
Cinema "Rodina"