Podporozhye Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautifulThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautiful10/16/2023Alexander DrozdenkoThe first stage of construction of the bridge crossing in Podporozhye of the Leningrad region is ahead of schedule complete. Implementation of this project will increase coherence of settlements in this territory10/16/2023Vladimir PutinThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautifulThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautiful10/16/2023Alexander DrozdenkoThe first stage of construction of the bridge crossing in Podporozhye of the Leningrad region is ahead of schedule complete. Implementation of this project will increase coherence of settlements in this territory10/16/2023Vladimir PutinThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautifulThis bridge inhabitants of Prisvirya, Podporozhya and the next Karelia waited more than 50 years. It is constructed with a serious advancing of terms and that is important, it not only functional, but also beautiful10/16/2023Alexander Drozdenko1252Region News+7 last weekHead of the municipality since 2009Vasilii Mosikhin0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2009Vasilii Mosikhin3:27:40 AMGMT+347RUS781365Dialing code156Connections+18 last weekPopulation16 978NewsConnections Tree
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